Tuesday 16 December 2014

Filming that I need to do

From completing my mock,I now know what I need to do and what I have done. So I have written down all the shots that I took when I filmed on Sunday and put them together, however now I know exactly what shots I still need to film to add to my video, as shown on my animatic. Below I have written a list of all the shots that I still need to film to keep myself organised and so that I know what is pending to do for my music video. With writing them down I will be able to tick them off once they have been filmed so I know what needs to be done. 

Monday 15 December 2014


For my mock I had to edit for two hours, so during this two hours I have put together the shots that I filmed last night and placed them where they needed to place from looking back at my animatic and placing them where I have on my story board. To help me out to get the timings so that it is similar to my animatic, I have put my animatic on the programme which I used which was Final Cut Pro. From putting my animatic on underneath the shots I can easily see where I need to enter my shots and where to cut them so they match my animatic as close as possible. This was a very easy way to see what and where I needed to place my different shots. This will make my final piece look as close to my animatic as possible. From my video that I have uploaded, you will be able to see that where there is no footage, I am still left to film them parts and then add to my video. However I have footage at the beginning of my music video and then half way through at about one minute thirty seconds that I have included where it needs to go.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Filming Complications

As I have originally planned to film on Friday 12th December, my friend Louise who is my main actress, has got a doctors appointment which is important so therefore I have to move my filming to Sunday 14th  December. This is a problem that has occurred as I had booked out my camera for specifically Friday however now I have had to extend my time that I have booked out my camera for longer then I have planned.


In order to make a successful music video, I think that it is very important to know about the demographics of the target audience that you wish to sell your product too. From looking at the demographics will affect the pricing, packaging, promotion and where abouts you are going to sell your product. A provider must understand the demographics to make and create the product relevant to the target audience. It important to get all of this right before releasing a product as it has to be right for the audience which you are creating your product for. By researching the demographics, this gives the seller a high advantage to help with what the target audience want.
This demographics table states the different classes in our society. From looking at this table, they will be able to make their product specific to this for example, if the target audience is people that are at school/college/uni they will need to make sure that they make their product not really expensive as they don't have a lot of money themselves so can't afford really expensive products. This will help the seller to be able to cater for the particular classes.

Conventions of music videos

  • Performace
  • Abstract
  • Genre
  • Narrative
  • Representation
  • Acting
  • Lighting
  • Make-up
  • Editing to the beat
  • Costume changes
  • Good vs Bad
  • Lip-syncing
  • Theories
  • Range of camera shots
  • Audience
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Sound

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Changes to filming on Friday 12th December

I was supposed to be filming outside on Friday 12th December with Louise and Callum in the park however from forward planning and looking at the weather, there is a weather warning so therefore I am going to change my plans of filming outside and instead I am going to film indoors in the bedroom scene with just Louise and film outside on a better weather day when the weather will definatley be good and have no problems.

Digital technology

The digital technologies that I am using to help create my music video and my research and planning are;

Prezi: I have used prezi to present elements of my planning and research on my blog for example to present my questionnaire answers altogether.

iPhone: I have used my iPhone to upload my shooting organisation screen shots and my pictures of location. Also I will be using my iPhone for my music that I will use when filming my music video for the listen over.

Blogger: I have used blogger to post all my blogs of my research and planning and my progress of creating my music video.

YouTube: I have used YouTube to post my animatic from what I have created from Final Cut Pro onto YouTube and then onto my blog.

Video Camera: The camera that I will be using is Sony HDR-CX250E to film my music video.

Photoshop: To create my digipak

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Problems with organisation for filming

Here are some screen shots of me having problems with some of the organisation of my filming, with Louise specifically, she was busy every night of the week that I wanted to film, so she said she would cancel her plans to do my filming for me. For the future I know now to say a week/day that we all can do and to ask her early on before I want her to do the filming so that she doesn't make any plans. This is not helpful for my media coursework as I need to make sure that everything is organised and that I have specific times for my filming and if I need my actress to film on a certain day and she can't then this can cause problems for deadlines that I am given and I will struggle to get my piece together if I don't organise my time effectively.

Friday 5 December 2014

Costume ideas

For my music video I think that it is important that I consider deeply the costumes that my actress/actors wear for my music video to match the genre and the narrative. So here I have noted down all of my ideas for each scene and their costume changes to make my music video more interesting rather just to be all in the same costume right throughout my video.

Shooting organisation

I think that it is very important to organise in advance to film to make sure that my actress can make the day and time that I want to film. This has to be precise due to the fact that I need to book out a video camera and I am only allowed to take it out for so long. Due to a lot of students wanting to borrow cameras from the college as well there are only a few therefore it is a first come first serve basis so I will need to know for definite if she can make the specific day or not. Below is a screenshot of a conversation between me and Louise organising to film on Tuesday.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Health and saftey risk assessment

From creating this health and safety risk assessment, now I know everything that I need to consider for when I am filming my music video so it goes smoothly and to make sure that everyone is safe and no chances of any injuries. This is very important to consider problems of what could happen so that we know what control measures to be be aware of.

My target audience

I have decided that my target audience for my music video will be the young adolescent age group between 16-21. This is because my genre of my music video is pop and young people are the easiest target group to target this genre of music video too. I feel that because I have targeted my audience at this age group that they will be able to relate to the problems that are happening within my music video and even what they might be going through themselves.This age groups also are the most popular for this genre as a lot of young people listen to this genre rather then adults aged 40 which are not interested in this genre. Many smart phones, have access to the internet where most adolescents have smart phones which they can access music on and listen to music through this device unlike adults which may not as often listen to music through their phone as people aged between 16-21 will listen to music on their phone for example on the bus to work/college, when walking, at home etc. Unlike adults which will tend to listen to music through the radio at home or Cd's. I am going to do further audience research to fully establish the interests and needs of my target audience for my music video.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Filming diary

Monday 8th December: I have booked out a camera and a tripod.

Friday 12th December:  I have started to film parts of my music video with my friend Louise in the bedroom scene, changed plans from originally filming with Louise and Callum outside in the park.

Sunday 14th December: I have had to change plans as Louise can't do Friday as she has to go to doctors so I have moved the filming times from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th to this date.

Monday 2nd February: I have booked out the camera for my filming which I have planned to do on the 5th January.

Thursday 5th February: I filmed more parts of my music video outside and inside in different locations.

Friday 20th March: I have booked out a camera for filming over the next week.

Monday 24th March: I have completed all of my filming that was left to film and now completed all of my filming.