Tuesday 24 February 2015

Back cover conventions for digipak

Back cover conventions for digipak
After completing my front cover conventions for the digipak, I am now going to move on to look at back covers of album covers to see their conventions to help me when creating my own. I have found out that the back cover is very similar to the front cover regarding the colours that are used as they are carried on throughout the whole album cover. What I have found from typical conventions of back covers are;
  • The name of the artist at the top of the back cover to make it stand out and known
  • A list in order of the songs of how they are played off the CD. 
  • Barcode at the bottom whether this is going to be in the middle, right or left side of the back cove(as each different back cover vary).
  • The date it was released and published
  • Record label logos/names

From completing research on front/back covers, I have decided that I want my digipak to have the same look as Adele 21 album cover as this shows a lot of emotion through just the cover which is very powerful. As well my music video has a lot of black and white shots where my actress is having a bad time and is very negative. I feel that creating my album cover to match this will be very effective.

Existing digipaks

Below are examples of existing digipaks that have been created. Hopefully after all of my research and planning my own digipak will be similar to the professional style that I have been researching. From looking at existing digipaks that are currently already out, I will be able to see the different conventions that have been used so that I know to make my similar to these to make my own album cover similar as possible to look as realistic as possible.
This is Rhiannas - Loud digipak album cover. Loud is Rhiannas 5th studio album and was released by Def Jam records on November 12th 2010. I have chosen to look at this existing digipak for ideas for my own digipak for my own music video. I am looking at Rhiannas because it is in the same genre as Beyonce, which my song is. I think the digipak for this album represents Rhianna is a way that her personality is herself which is very pretty. Red is associated with sex, love, desire and power therefore this reinforces what her songs are about. Red is a very sexual colour therefore this will appeal to her ale target audience. Here I want to have the same ideas to use for my own digipak. Your attention is drawn to her red lips and her red hair. This digipak appeals to all of her intended audience in many different ways which I want mine too as well. The text is also very simple, the white against the res and Rhiannas skin tone works very well and makes it stand out and makes it visible to a buyer when looking at the album cover in supermarkets or CD stores.

I also have been looking at Adele - 21 Album cover as it is very much how I want my own digipak, I want to use the same colours as Adele has for her own digipak as most of my music video is in black and white. With both of these digipaks that I have researched I want to use a close up for my own as I feel that if I use a close up, it is filled with emotions which my music video is. 

Front cover conventions for digipak

Front cover conventions for a digipak
First of all I have started to look at the typical conventions of a front cover of an album cover. This will again help me make mine look as realistic as possible if I know what needs to be included in my own when I am making it. I was looking at this certain front cover of Bruno Mars album cover doo-woops and hooligans. I found that this front cover was very simple however very effective as it challenged conventions. 
  • A main image - The main image is very important for the front cover of the digipak as this is what the audience/buyers first see when it is on the shelves of supermarkets and CD shops. This will represent the artist or band from their photo that has been used for this front cover.
  • Artists name - The artists name is also very important so that the audience/buyers know who's CD they are purchasing. This is needs to be bold and clear on the front cover. 
  • Album name - Is the same as the artists name. It again needs to be bold and clear to the audience/buyers.
  • Logo - A individual logo for the album cover would be needed to make it different from every other album cover that is out 

Ancillary Text 1: DigiPak research

Ancillary Text: CD cover, back and spine
For my first ancillary text that I have to make. I have chosen to create a digipak CD cover. Here is the template that I am going to use for my digipak. For this I have to design and create my own album cover by using this template to help me. From using this template it is a good guide for me as it includes measurements that I have to stick too and so I know what to go by.

Digipaks are a designed cover for a cover for a CD, DVD or BD packaging. Digipaks typically consist of a 'book style' card stock outer binding, with one or plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside. A digipak also includes a track list, information on who produced the album, tracks and the artwork. However how technology has improved people now do not buy CDs as much as they used to due to streaming such as iTunes and access the songs from online for example off YouTube, Digipaks not only give you all the songs that are on the CD to play but now add such things as 'bonus songs' which will allow the artists to add more then just the songs that are on the album. This will make the album much more personal to them. 

Friday 13 February 2015


To make my music video look as  real as possible, I have included different edits into my video. For example as you can see from the photos I have added a fade from shot to shot so it is not such a jump from different shots, Here Louise and Jordan are walking down the path and to make it smooth and to focus on their hands 

I have included a fade edit. 
To make sure that my song does not cut off straight away at the end of my video, I have made sure that I have added a fade out circles so when it comes to the end of the song it fades off nicely and ends smoothlyrather then sharply and unrealistic. 

More filming that I need to do after first draft

After filming I have wrote a list of all the filming that I need to do to finish my film completely. This will help me to tick off all the filming that I need to do which will make filming much more easier to get done and to put together. I have wrote this list so that I am more organised for when I film so that I do not miss any filming out. This is the same of what I did when I first wrote a list of what I need to film at the beginning

First Draft

If having trouble with the sound use this link below

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Edit suite

This is the edit suite where I edit all of my footage together using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. Without this edit suite I would not be able to put all of my footage together to make my music video. As you can see on one side of the screen, on the right I have my music video and on the left hand side I have my different clips that I can click and drop onto the main editing part to make it come together.

Friday 6 February 2015

Filming complications on 5th February 2015

I completed some filming on the 5th February. However we was in a rush because we needed to film outside but it was getting later on the night and was starting to get dark so I had to make sure that we did all the filming that I needed to do in good time. We could only of filmed on a week night because Louise who is my main actress works on a weekend. Therefore we only have a certain amount of time on a week night considering we finish college at 4 o'clock which means it is difficult to fit it all in. However I got all the filming that I needed to put together and to edit.

Monday 2 February 2015

Weather forecast

To be organised for my filming that I have planned on to do on Thursday, I have looked at the weather forecast to see if it will be good weather to film outside on this day. From the weather forecast it looks to be dry before six o'clock.